Our WFP Road Info web tool is designed to promote safe public access to our logging roads. Your safety is important to us and we want you to be prepared when traveling our roads.
Since this is a community-based tool, we rely on feedback from users. If you see anything out of the ordinary on your trip, please take a photo or video of the issue, share a few words and use our handle @WFPRoadInfo with a relevant hashtag (#CapeScott, for example) in your Twitter or Facebook message. You can also send an email to WFPRoadInfo@westernforest.com.
Disclaimer: Road conditions may change quickly and the information on this site might not be completely accurate or timely. Please drive with caution and consult additional sources of road and weather information when planning your trip. Western Forest Products will have no liability whatsoever regarding the content on this site or any damage that might be caused by relying upon that content.