© 2002 |
- Davis, Mike (June 10, 2021), Partitions and Cut Control
- Huang, Ye (June 10, 2021), TFL 44 Management Plan #6, Timber Supply Information Package Overview
- Bayley, Brad (February 11, 2021), LiDar & It's Innovative Uses
- Warren, Francois (February 11, 2021), Logging Waste and its Relationship to Level of Downed Woody Debris
- Badesso, Erin (February 11, 2021), Net Carbon Update: The Influence of Fire and Debris Burning
- Dunsworth, B.G. (Weyerhaeuser, Dec 15-99), Biodiversity
- Niemann, T. (Jan 10-01), Sustainability
- Ringma, R (Weyerhaeuser, Nov 26-02), Fibre Supply & Allocation for TFL# 44
- Powell, Dan (Min.of Forests, Nov 26-02), BC Log Export Policy & Procedures
- Tony Sudar, (Weyerhaeuser, April 15-04, Weyerhaeuser Wood Products)
- Shelly Higman, (Island Timberlands, Sept 20-04), Watershed Assessment of Weyerhaeuser's Private Lands in Coastal BC
- Kofoed, Peter (WFP, Jan 13-05, Sustainable Harvest Levels
- Kofoed, Peter (WFP), Jan 11-07 DFA Comparision - 2004-2006
- Kofoed, Peter (WFP), Jan 11-07 Introduction to Sustainable Harvesting in the WFP DFA
- Justin Kumagai (WFP), March 2007, Storms 2006
- Island Timberlands LP, June 14-07, Watershed Assessment of Island Timberlands Private Managed Forest Land
- Horel, Glynnis, Sept 13-07, Watershed Projects 2006 & 2007
- Bill Beese (WFP), September 13-07, Western Forest Strategy..A Program for
- Davis, Mike (WFP), Nov 8-07, Analysis of Non Contributing Landbase by Landscape Unit (SFM Indicator #2)
- Niemann, Tom, June 10-08, Overview of Climate Change & Forest Carbon
- ITLP Certification Information Meeting, Jan 22-09, Keith Moore, FSC Certification in BC
- ITLP Certification Information Meeting, Jan 22-09, Karen Brandt, Sustainable Forest Initiative
- ITLP Certification Information Meeting, Jan 22-09, Karen Brandt, Sustainable Forest Initiative - Consumer Packaging
- Collaborative Presentation by Ministry of Aboriginal Relations, the Ministry of Forests and the Government of Canada, Oct 8-09, Maa-Nulth Treaty Presentation
- de Bellefeuille, Michel (WFP), Jan 14-10, Discussion Items and Core Indicators
- de Bellefeuille, Michel (WFP), Jan 14-10, New CSA Standard Z809-08 for Sustainable Forest Management CSA Z809-08
- Davis, Mike (WFP), Jan 14-10, New TFL 44 Management Plan and Timber Supply Analysis
- MacDonald, Sue . (WFP, Jan 20-11), CSA
- MacDonald, Sue . (WFP, Jan 20-11), Invasive Plants
- Epps, Ken . (Island Timberlands, September 15-11), TEM/PEM Inventories
- Singbeil, Doug . (FPInnovations, January 12-12), The New Forest Bio-Economy: BioPathways
- van Niejenhaus, Annette . (WFP, 2012), Managing the Genetic Resource: Tree Improvement Delivery in Coastal Tree Species
- Davis, Rod . (Private Managed Forest Land Council, Oct 10-12), Regulating Forest Practices on 'Private Managed Forest Land': Introduction to Legislation & Role of Council
- Morris, Rhonda . (June 13-13), Cut Control 101 For TFLS
- Catalyst, Alberni . (Nov 7-13), Catalyst, Port Alberni Division
- Marcus, Brian . (Nov 7-13), Old Growth Management
- Hall, Murray . (Murray Hall Consulting, February 13-14), Interior & Coastal BC Fibre Strategic Overview
- Deal, John . (WFP, February 13-14), Marbled Murrelet Recovery Strategy
- Somerville, Kevin. (WFP, Feb 19-15), WFP Fibre Needs and Distribution of Logs
- van Niejenhuis, Annette. (WFP, Feb 19-15), Reforestation: Species Selection and Climate Change
- Deal, John (June 9, 2016 WFP Goshawk and Murrelet Presentation), Focus on Developing practices Associated With Migratory Birds
- Badesso, Erin (WFP June 8, 2017), Emissions of Carbon Dioxide & Carbon Uptake & Storage
- Berkenstock, Tyson (WFP Nov. 2, 2017), Forest Management and the Role of Wetlands
- Sloan, Will (WFP Feb 8, 2018), Forest Certification: CSA vs SFI
- Deal, John (WFP Nov 8, 2018), Goshawk & Marbeled Murrelet Update
- Deal, John (WFP May 23, 2019), Western Stewardship & Conservation Plan Update
- Innes, Dr. John (Sept 15, 2020), The State of British Columbia's Forests
- Deal, John (Nov 12, 2020), Old Growth Update
- Leclerc, Marie-Eve, MSc, FIT (Nov 12, 2020), Everything you need to know about Carbon & Forestry
- Hallaway, Marissa R.P.F. (Nov 12, 2020), Pest Management Plan 2021-2026
Certification Updates